
    About NSTEDB

    The National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB) was established by the Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, as a means to support the promotion of knowledge-driven and technology-intensive enterprises. The Board, now under the Technology Translation and Innovation (TTI) Division, aims to encourage innovation and the startup ecosystem through Science, Technology & Innovation interventions.

    Technology-driven innovation has a transformative impact on productivity, global competitiveness, and economic growth. In recognition of the same, NSTEDB, established in 1982, is tasked with the responsibility of developing, nurturing, and improving a nationwide innovation ecosystem.

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    In sync with the national initiatives of Start-Up India and Stand-Up India, NSTEDB’s flagship programme NIDHI ( National Initiative for Developing and Harnessing Innovation), launched in 2016, enables innovators and startups to transform their ideas into successful startups. NSTEDB nurtures and empowers innovators & startups since their initial phase of startup journey.


    The main objectives of the NSTEDB are to:

    • Convert job-seekers into job-generators
    • Convert knowledge into wealth creation
    • Nurture innovators, problem-solvers, and startups

    NSTEDB’s Role

    1. To nurture Science & Technology based entrepreneurs and Innovators through incubation programs.
    2. To build capacities of human resources and institutions in fostering Science & Technology based entrepreneurship.
    3. To connect and network with agencies, academic institutions, Research & Development (R&D) organisations, industry associations, and other Stakeholders in building the Startup ecosystem.

    NSTEDB’s Key Offerings

    • National Initiative for Developing and Harnessing Innovations
    • Capacity Building & Training Programs – Entrepreneurship Development
    • Innovation Scouting & Support – PPP Programs
    • Internationalisation & Market Access
    • Surgical Efforts to Support Innovation