
    NIDHI Centres of Excellence (NIDHI – CoE)


    The NIDHI-Center of Excellence (NIDHI-CoE) strengthens existing incubation capacities of Technology Business Incubators (TBIs) to make them world class, state-of-art startup incubation centres. NIDHI CoE supports potential start-ups for translating technological innovations into marketable products and high-growth ventures.

    To augment and scale up incubation activities in top-performing TBIs, the Department provides enhanced financial support over a period of 5 years for the establishment of these Centers of Excellence. This support includes the creation of design, product, prototype development and validation centres, as well as patent facilitation centres and state-of-the-art technology-based incubation facilities.

    The NIDHI-CoEs also offer a Startup Acceleration Program for high-potential startups. These efforts are aimed at encouraging innovation, entrepreneurship, successful business development, and community revitalization, and supporting the growth of the local economy to generate wealth and shared prosperity.

    DST has supported nine NIDHI-CoEs at premier institutions across the country.


    The objectives of the NIDHI-CoE are ::-

    1. To promote new technology/knowledge/innovation based impact making startups.
    2. To provide cost effective, value added services to startups like mentoring, legal, financial, technical, intellectual property related services.
    3. To scale up existing/new activities targeted at seeding and supporting startups.
    4. To provide a platform for speedy commercialization of technologies developed by the host institution or by any academic/technical/R&D institution or by an individual.
    5. To build a vibrant startup ecosystem, by establishing a network between academia, financial institutions, industries and other institutions.
    6. To create jobs, wealth and business in alignment with national priorities.

    How To Apply

    Application For NIDHI-CoE Startup Incubation Centre

    Applications are invited for establishing NIDHI-CoE in institutions through call-for-proposals via Dept. of Science & Technology’s e-PMS portal.

    Application For Startups and Innovators

    Innovators and startups may apply for incubation support to one of the DST’s Centre of Excellence (CoE). These CoEs periodically announce calls for applications for enrollment of innovators and Startups into their incubation programs.


    Institutions/ TBIs/ Students/ Researchers/ Innovators / Entrepreneurs/ Startups

    Useful Links

    Guidelines: Click Here (PDF 939KB)

    List of NIDHI CoEs: Click Here (PDF 56.3KB)

    Contact Information: For more information, please write us an email on shardul[dot]dst[at]gov[dot]in