
    NIDHI – Promoting and Accelerating Young and Aspiring Innovators and Startups (PRAYAS)


    DST’s NIDHI-PRAYAS Program aims to provide support to young innovators to translate their innovative ideas into prototypes. An early stage prototype/ proof of concept (PoC) PRAYAS fund is very effective to convert the technology ideas and innovations into working products, and to eventually spur entrepreneurship. The emphasis is to foster indigenously developed innovations and products in alignment with the nation’s “AtmaNirbharBharat Mission”.

    NIDHI – PRAYAS is a sector-agnostic program. The maximum funding support offered to an innovator/ Startup under this program is INR 10 lakhs. Beneficiaries also get access to the infrastructure facilities at the TBIs, mentoring support and guidance, technical and financial advice, industry connections etc. in order to convert their ideas into a prototype of a product that has potential for commercialization.

    DST supports setting up PRAYAS Shalas (Fab Labs) to facilitate mechanical and digital fabrication besides providing physical infrastructure, technical guidance and business mentorship to the PRAYASEEs


    The objectives of NIDHI – PRAYAS are :-

    • To enable translation of an innovative idea to a prototype.
    • To provide a platform for faster experimentation and modify approaches in the idea to market journey.
    • To indigenously generate innovative solutions relevant to the local and global problems.
    • To attract a large number of youth who demonstrate problem solving zeal and abilities to work on their new technology/knowledge/innovation-based startups.
    • To enhance the pipeline in terms of quality and quantity of innovative start ups to the incubators. To build a vibrant innovation ecosystem, by establishing a network between innovators, academia, mentors and incubators.

    Programme Management

    The NIDHI-PRAYAS program is implemented by the Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of India in association with Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SINE), IIT – Bombay (A NIDHI-Centre of Excellence).

    How To Apply

    Application For Startup Incubation Centres

    Startup Incubation Centres / TBIs looking to implement the NIDHI-PRAYAS programme may apply for the same through open call-for-proposals published on the NIDHI-PRAYAS PMU Website.

    Application For Startups and Innovators

    Interested Students and Innovators may apply for support under NIDHI – PRAYAS through NIDHI – PRAYAS Centres (at selected TBIs).


    Students/ Researchers/ Innovators/ Entrepreneurs/ Startups

    Useful Links


    Guidelines: Click Here

    NIDHI PRAYAS Program Impact : Click Here

    List of NIDHI PRAYAS Centres: Click Here

    Contact Information: For more information, please write us an email on nvasishta[at]nic[dot]in

    Compendium: 75 Promising Startups under NIDHI PRAYAS